continue your journey
continue your journey
Benefits those who have completed rehabilitation or are ineligible for continuation by their insurance.
The Cardiac Wellness Program provides a progressive exercise plan with supervision by specialized personal trainers. Participants can exercise and regain cardio strength without worry, thanks to guidance and monitoring. EKG monitoring is not included.
Decrease resting and submaximal heart rate
Improve psychological and emotional well-being
Increase oxygen supply
Improve blood pressure
Decrease “bad” LDL Cholesterol
Improve function of the heart muscle
Increase “good” HDL Cholesterol
*This program does not include EKG monitoring.
Continue your cardiac rehabilitation journey with a supervised, progressive exercise plan.
Continue your cardiac rehabilitation journey with a supervised, progressive exercise plan.
Fill out the form below with your Wellness Program inquiry and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!