After years of pandemic isolation, I desperately needed a change. I had a gym in my office (a 45-mile drive I’d done every workday) but hadn’t been there in years, and it showed in all the wrong ways. I just couldn’t get motivated to do any real exercise at home. So, I started a membership at Princeton Fitness and Wellness, hoping to turn this ship around. I was fortunate to meet Rupali for an intro session at the Center. I felt comfortable laying out my situation, what I hoped to get out of exercise, and how I wanted to improve my overall health, because Rupali had gone through much of this herself. During that first meeting, I just knew Rupali would be the right person to help me meet my goals, and I started weekly training sessions. She expanded my whole routine beyond what was just cardio-based into a much more balanced exercise program. We are a year past the intro, and I have a real coach in my life with Rupali, way beyond just exercise training. I am motivated EVERY day to get a workout in, especially on training days with Rupali, as she keeps me motivated through all the ups and downs. Yes, I’ve lost weight, gotten stronger, and have gotten most of my “numbers” to where they need to be (yes, there’s still more to go), but best of all, I feel good. Thank you, Rupali.


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